Friday, 3 September 2021


I am giving up my time talking about the issue that affects a lot of people in our community, it is even considered as normal people being insecure on certain things and only few succeed to be secure on what they like and what they do. If we will look out to the world today we will see that almost all people are doing things because they have thought the thing will look good to the people and they will not receive any critics from what they have done.


Where am I going with this, the same place you are thinking, I am going to tell you to do things that make you happy and not what make other people happy, there have been a habit of saying things like, I am going to shut their mouth by being successful in the most paying career, you are making it there but what next, you are not even enjoying working there, you become even more depressed with that than even how you were depressed with their words.
The world now is full of people who think what they do, they like or what they belief is the best and is the only right thing, they forget that anyone can make anything right and best, they are complementing and even more than complementing but forcing people to be as they are forgetting that life doesn't work that way. Life has different packages to us even if we were born on the same day, by the same mother and have been living in the same house.
If life has started giving you happiness before others share with them, if life has given you a chance of success before others, never exploit them or being arrogant to them, and like wise if life has not chosen to give you the happiness until now never be jealous of others because the more your package of success become late the bigger it is that is why it takes time to be delivered to you.
Life is full of different people, some are there for you, some aren't, some are there partially some are permanent, but they are all important and they come into your life for a reason, if not to give you the best memories then they will give you the best lesson, appreciate them, be aware of the fact that the best way to learn something is through experiences and crying because of something is not bad and is totally acceptable but please when you cry for it cry hard and harder so that you will never cry for the same thing again.

I don't want to write a lot but I have two more things to tell you today, if you are in someone's life just because you think they will be hurt when you leave please leave them and hurt them once than staying in their lives and hurt them everyday, and remember what you are doing is very important and is the best thing, whatever comes into your mind before thinking about what other people will say is the only thing you are supposed to do, you are not there to impress anyone but you are there for you and those who are genuinely with you.
Be appreciative to anything in life because the best gift that life can give you is a lesson to learn no matter how.
Prepared by: Abdulshakur Abdilah
YES Alumni 2018-2019
President of Zanziabr Commecial Secondary School 2021

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